Traffic That Converts

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Mobile vs Desktop Ads Mobile advertising Cross-Device Targeting

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Your ads and traffic are safe with us – but before you decide, don't hesitate to check what volume and keywords are we offering.

Reach a specific audience in any country and maximize your digital ROI across multiple verticals


pop up ads


Opens up a new browser window to display the ad. It can be a full-page graphic or a landing page, and it can work as a pop-up or a pop-under. Our technology guarantees that all bad and non-converting traffic will be filtered out.

Domain Redirect Traffic

Domain redirect

Also known as “zero click,” domain redirect traffic comes from users typing in "parked" or unused domain names. A user who types in such a domain name gets redirected to the page desired by the advertiser.

Toolbar traffic


This is a toolbar-generated ad that shows up in search engine results. If you’re looking for high-quality traffic, it might be your choice.

Interstitial and pop ads on mobile


With our interstitial and pop ads on mobile, you can earn money on smaller screens, too. We support a variety of apps from different stores such as Google Play, Amazon, or Apple.

Native advertising


One of the most effective and unobtrusive ad formats on the market. With native ads, you get high user engagement and CTR and the statistics to match this bold statement.

Browse our high performing cross-platform ad formats

Currently we run over
45,000 campaigns

Our platform is used
by more than 5,000
active advertisers

ad views per day

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Visit vipersmedia

“If you need quality traffic sources, Vipersmedia is the best option ever. It has been so far one of the best traffic provider we have worked with, the quality of their traffic is undeniable as well as their AMs expertise” Antonio Fontani, COO, Freapp

“Vipersmedia is the best ad exchange on the market. Period.” Ivan Carillo, CEO, Kimia

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